The Library of Judaic Studies

Orar/Opening Hours



Biblioteca pune la dispoziția studenților și masteranzilor bibliografia scanată a cursurilor, precum și tematica examenului de licență.

Biblioteca de Studii iudaice
Date de contact: 



Croitorilor Street no. 13, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

40-264 - 532221



Dr. Augusta Costiuc Radosav
Lucia Horea

Descriere filiala: 

The Library of Judaic Studies was established in 1999 as a special branch of the Lucian Blaga Central University Library, and it also under the patronage of the Dr. Moshe Carmilly Institute for Hebrew and Jewish History. The library functions within the old synagogue on Croitorilor Street (near the Mihai Viteazul Square).

The library’s collections were compiled through donations, acquisitions, subscriptions, international exchange and they cover the following fields: ancient and medieval Jewish history, modern and contemporary Jewish history, the history of the Jewish diaspora, the history of the Jewish people in Romania, Holocaust, antisemitism, politics, Zionism, religion, Judaism, culture and civilization, philosophy, literature, art, biographies, memoirs, correspondences, journalism, bibliographies, reference materials.

The publications are in English, Romanian, Hungarian, German, French, Hebrew, Yiddish, and they are organized by fields, with free access to the shelves. They can be consulted in the reading room, with a capacity of 30 seats. The undergraduate students and the master’s students of the Judaic Studies and the Hebrew Philology can benefit from short home loans (of a day or a weekend).


  • 3500 books
  • 53 titles/300 volumes of periodicals
  • 400 extracts (articles from scientific journals, documents)
  • Audio-visual documents, albums, boards, files of materials and maps about the Holocaust and Israel

Special publications:

  • Studia Judaica, the English yearbook of the Dr. Moshe Carmilly Institute for Hebrew and Jewish History. It contains the works presented at the yearly international conferences organized by the Dr. Moshe Carmilly Institute for Hebrew and Jewish History, studies, articles, reviews. It has been published since 1991 (no.1) and the current issue for 2010 is XVIII.
  • Encyclopaedia Judaica, Second edition, New York : Jerusalem, Keter Publishing House, 2007 (22 volumes)
  • Encyclopaedia Judaica, Jerusalem, Keter Publishing House, 1973-1978 (21 volume)
  • The Babylonian Talmud, London, The Soncino Press, 1983-1994 (26 volume)
  • The Anchor Bible Dictionary, New York, Doubleday, 1992 (6 volume)
  • Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, New York, Macmillan, 1990 (4 volume)
  • Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, Stuttgart, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1990
  • Alcalay, Reuben, The Complete English-Hebrew, Hebrew-English Dictionary, New York, Chemed Books, 1996
  • Weinreich, Uriel, Modern English-Yiddish, Yiddish-English Dictionary, New York, Shoken Books, 1977
  • Radosav, Maria, Gramatica limbii ebraice modern [The grammar of modern Hebrew], Bucureşti, Ed. ALL, 1998
  • Radosav, Maria, "Livada cu rodii". Carte şi comunitate evreiască în nordul Transilvaniei (secolele XVIII-XX) [The orchard of pomegranates. The Jewish books and community in northern Transylvania (18th-20th centuries)], Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Argonaut, 2007
  • The publications in the Bibliotheca Judaica collection:
    • Carmilly-Weinberger, Moshe, Istoria evreilor din Transilvania (1623-1944) [The history of the Jewish people from Transylvania], Bucureşti, Editura Enciclopedică, 1994
    • Carmilly-Weinberger, Moshe, The Road to Life: the Rescue Operation of Jewish Refugees on the Hungarian-Romanian Border in Transylvania, 1936-1944, New York, Shengold Publishers, 1994
    • Dörner Anton E., Evreii din comitatul Satu Mare în secolul al XVIII-lea (1723-1760) [The Jewish people from the Satu Mare County in the 18th century], Vol. I, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 1998
    • Dörner, Anton E., Evreii din comitatul Satu Mare în secolul al XVIII-lea (1761-1781) [The Jewish people from the Satu Mare County in the 18th century], Vol. II, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Fundaţiei pentru Studii Europene, 2000
    • Carmilly-Weinberger, Moshe, Út a szabadság felé! Zsidó menekültek megsegitésének története a Holokaust idején: Erdély, 1936-1944, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Sincron, 1999
    • Gyémánt, Ladislau, Evreii din Transilvania în epoca emancipării 1790-1867 [The Jewish people of Transylvania during the emancipation], Bucureşti, Editura Enciclopedică, 2000

The library’s own databases:

The library has its own databases that use ProCite for the collections of books, periodicals, extracts and dissertations. The ProCite databases contain the entire library collection (3200 records) that can be browsed by author, title, subject, keywords, thus allowing a more in-depth search.

The library also has a traditional alphabetic catalogue.
