Library Loan

  • Home Loan can be accessed both in the central building (semi-basement) and at the branch libraries.
  • The library offers home loan service from its holdings for:
    • students of state universities, full-time education
    • foreign students enrolled in educational programs (Erasmus, Socrates)
    • university and pre-university teachers, researchers and PhD students with permanent residence in the Cluj County
    • other categories of users (licensed and employed) with permanent residence in the Cluj County
    • employed or retired library staff
    • high school students
  • To make loans, users must hold a valid library permit.
  • Requests for publications are made exclusively online, from the library's catalog. Publications can be picked up from the loan section after 30 minutes from the moment of the request.
  • Publications are borrowed for a maximum period of 10 days (Loan Fund).
  • Users will have the possibility to extend the loan term, online/by phone/e-mail or directly, for the publications in the Loan Fund.
  • The return of publications is done in compliance with all the norms imposed by the current epidemiological situation.
  • The return of publications from the central library holdings will be made from Monday to Friday.
  • The failure to return the publications on time is penalized with 1 leu/day/volume for the publications from the Loan Fund and with 5 lei/day/volume for the other funds.
  • The following categories of publications are excluded from home loan: newspapers, doctoral theses, special collections, legal copies, donations.
  • The liquidation sheets will be signed online ( or at the Loan Department.
  • For home loan, you can also use the branch libraries.


Users are asked to:

  • present the valid library card
  • to respect the loan term; in case of accumulation of penalties for not returning the publications on time, the users can request for a reduction of the amount, if it exceeds the limit of 100 lei, by filling in a form
  • to return the publications borrowed from the library in case of temporary/permanent departure from the faculty/country
  • to obtain the signed liquidation sheet at the end of the studies or upon interruption/expulsion/expulsion

Excerpts from the user guidelines