The “Lucian Blaga” Central University Library is an important component of the national educational system. It is, par excellence, an institution of intellectual formation, through education, knowledge and research. Through its encyclopaedic profile, museum character and the patrimony value of its collections, the “Lucian Blaga” Central University Library answers all requirements and informational needs of the local and national academic community.
Over time, a series of important figures of the Romanian and Hungarian culture activated in the Central University Library: Szabó Károly, Kelemen Lajos, Virgil Vătăşianu, Ion Muşlea, Liviu Rusu etc.
Furthermore, Lucian Blaga, after his expulsion from the University, between 1951 and 1959 was librarian in chief and, after that, he was the library’s scientific deputy director. As a gesture of appreciation for the cultural heritage of the great poet and philosopher, starting with the summer of 1992, the Central University Library in Cluj was named after him.
Developing and functioning in a city that values multicultural virtues, the “Lucian Blaga” Central University Library, together with the Babeș-Bolyai University, represents one of the most important institutions that offer viability to multicultural virtues and principles. The Hungarian and German collection is one of the largest and most representative collections in Romania and it is important for the history and culture of Transylvania and of Central Europe.
The library supports the entire academic education system in Cluj and it is remarkable through the variety of its collections and through its professional and high-toned services provided to its users. Today, its collections contain a total of 4.000.000 volumes, out of which 497.000 publications are periodicals. An important documentation resource is the collection of traditional digitized catalogues, as well as the digital library.
In order to support the education process, the library offers access to its collections of the most prestigious scientific international databases. Together with the faculty libraries and the libraries of the cultural centres, the central building the C.U.L offers its users 2.177 seats in over 60 reading rooms.
The “Lucian Blaga” Central University Library continues to develop its services and asserts itself as an active presence in the Romanian academic community. Together with the library’s specialized personnel, we are trying to offer our users the best and most competitive services.
Library Management