Avram Iancu Street no. 11, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Changes in the public relations activities at the Lucian Blaga Central University Library Cluj-Napoca between 12 March - 24 April 2020*
The Lucian Blaga Central University Library conforms to the decisions of the Technical-scientific Support Group regarding the management of the diseases with a high risk of contagion in Romania and, as such, between 12-22 March 2020 will function on a modified schedule.
In this period, the following activities form the public relations field will be suspended (both in CUL Cluj and in the faculty libraries – CUL branches):
- Access to the publications in the reading rooms
- Conducting documentation in the Catalogue Room and in the Reference Room
- Home loans (the returns due in this period are automatically extended)
- Organising events
- Access to the CUL Cafeteria
Furthermore, CUL Cluj will ensure the continuation of the library activities, namely, as much as possible, the functionality of certain library services dedicated to the public:
- Online access to the Digital Library from outside CUL
- Access to the databases from outside CUL
- References via email or through the library platforms (Ask a librarian! Facebook Messenger)
- Requests for bibliographies and bibliographical research, made online, under the conditions stipulated on the CUL website
- Document delivery (scans), under the conditions stipulated on the CUL website
The specialized personnel of the institution will continue their activities at this time, carrying out different specific activities.
For more information, contact us:
* Depending on the measures taken by the authorities, the period can be extended.
The current collections of publications offer a particular informational complex through the wide variety of documents. These documents represent: university courses, monographs, specialized serial publications, reference materials (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, bibliographies), collections and repertoires of normative documents.
Through the contents of the documents, all basic fields of the science of law are covered.
The library has two reading rooms, one for books and the other for periodicals. The periodicals room offers free access to the shelves.
The library is equipped with a xerox which can be used based on a card.
Total number of publications: 57000 volumes, out of which 48.500 books and 8500 periodicals.
Collections of university publications
Collections of usual publications
University courses
The collection of the Official Journal of Romania. Part I.
The Tudor Drăganu donation.
Special publications:
The donation made by professor Dimitrie Alexandresco: The theoretical and practical explanation of the Roman civil law in comparison with the older laws and with the main foreign legislations. Tomes I – XI. Bucharest, 1926. Complete treaty of forensic medicine. Volumes I and II. Author, professor doctor Mina Minovici. Bucharest, 1930. Pettit la Rousse illustre. Nouveau dictionnaire encyclopedique. Paris, 1921.