M.Kogălniceanu Street no. 1 (ground floor), Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Phone: 0771-320260
E-mail: filosofie_bcucluj@yahoo.com
Fazakas Tünde
Ciprian Lupşe
Daniel Vlassa
Established in 1950, the library functioned on the first floor of the Babeş-Bolyai University building on Kogălniceanu Street no. 1 until 2009. After the library was relocated to the ground floor, it also suffered a transformation, becoming an open library with free access to the shelves; consulting the publications became more attractive and friendly for the users, and the information became more accessible.
In the new space, there are two reading rooms with free access to the shelves, 31 seats for the readers, expandable to 40. The first room also contains the collection of references and the computers. The publications are organised by the fields of philosophy, displayed in chronological order: introduction in philosophy, oriental cultures, pre-Socratics and Greek culture, Plato, Aristotle, etc, philosophical movements (the philosophy of life, postmodernism, phenomenology). Other fields: aesthetics, ethics, the philosophy of culture, semiology and communication, the philosophy of religion, the philosophy of law, analytical philosophy, the philosophy of science, logics, Romanian philosophy etc.
The two reading rooms are accessible through the public relations room at the entrance of the library, where the following are also located: the on-duty librarian’s desk, the files containing the systematic and alphabetic catalogues, the coat check and the access to the fourth room of the library, namely the repository that contains the special publications that either have low circulations or they are very valuable and the librarians’ work desks.
The two reading rooms contain a gallery of photographs depicting portraits and manuscripts of certain Romanian philosophers.
- Books: 23000 volumes
- Periodicals: 1486 volumes (approximately 170 titles).
Special publications:
- Baker Encyclopaedia of the Bible
- Biblical dictionary
- Dictionary of ethnology and anthropology
- Dictionary of the history and philosophy of the sciences
- Encyclopaedic dictionary
- Thematic dictionary of the Middle Ages
- Encyclopaedia of philosophy and humanities
- Enciclopedie Philosophique Universelle. L'Univers Philosophique
- Enciclopedie Philosophique Universelle. Les Notions Philosophiques
- Enciclopedie Philosophique Universelle. Les Oeuvres Philosophiques
- Encyclopaedia Universalis
- Handbook of Philosophical Logic
- Historisches Worterbuch der Philosophie
- International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
- The Encyclopaedia Britannica
- The Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought