The Library of Animal Physiology

Orar/Opening Hours

08:00 - 15:00
08:00 - 13:00
08:00 - 15:00
08:00 - 15:00
08:00 - 15:00

Biblioteca este închisă în perioada: 18 decembrie 2024 - 7 ianuarie 2025.




Biblioteca de Fiziologie animală
Date de contact: 


Clinicilor Street no. 5-7, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Phone: 0771 358043




Bianca Moldovan

Descriere filiala: 


The Library of Animal Physiology is located within the B.P. Hasdeu Student Comples, between the Faculty of Geography and The Department of Zoology (The Museum of Zoology, Vivarium).


Founded in 1937, The Library of Animal Physiology was established due to the efforts of a great scientist, Univ. Prof. Aristide Grădinescu.

A great contribution to the development of its collection was represented by the valuable donation made by Acad. Eugen A. Pora who, in 1979, donated an impressive number of books and periodicals.

Fields covered by the collections:

The library’s collections contain publications that cover a wide variety of both biological and related fields: human and animal physiology, cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, microbiology, anatomy, histology, embryology, immunology, genetics, evolutionism, biotechnology, bioinformatics, biostatistics, molecular ecology, medicine, nutrition, chemistry, physics etc.


~12000 volumes

  • Books: 7700 volumes
  • Periodicals: 4100 volumes


The library offers access to its subscribed scientific databases (EBSCO, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, Emerald, Wiley Online Library, Clarivate Analytics, Scopus etc), as well as to its own ProCite database that contains the records of the books and periodicals present in the library.

Special publications:

  • Brehm, Alfred E. Brehm's Tierleben. 1911-1916.
  • Brehm, Alfred E. Les merveilles de la Nature. 1984-1901.
  • Grasse, Pierre P. Traite de Zoologie: anatomie, systematique, biologie. 1946-1960
  • Perrier, Edmond. La vie des animaux illustree. 1902-1906.
  • Perrier, Edmond. Traite de Zoologie. 1927-1932.
  • Alberts Bruce, Johnson Alexander, Lewis Julian, Molecular biology of the cell. New York ; Abingdon : Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008.
  • Madigan Michael T., Martinko John M., Bender Kelly S., Brock biology of microorganisms. Boston ; Columbus ; Indianapolis ; [etc.] : Pearson, 2015
  • Drake Richard L., Vogl A. Wayne, Mitchell Adam W. M., Anatomia lui Gray pentru studenţi. Bucureşti : Prior, 2014.

The library holds the collections of certain scholarly journals both from Romania (Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai". Biologia, Romanian Journal of Biology. Zoology, Romanian Journal of Biochemistry, Romanian Journal of Biophysics, Romanian Journal of Neurology etc), and from abroad (CELL, The Journal of Clinical Investigations,  Anthropologiai közlemények etc).
