Moţilor Street no. 26, 400001, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Alexandrina-Călina Trifan
Marta Maria Abraham
The library was founded together with the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology, in 1990. In 1998, it became part of the Lucian Blaga Central University Library, as one of its branches.
A large part of the collection of publications was compiled from the donations received as aids from the Greek-Catholic Bishopric of Cluj-Gherla, together with the numerous donations made throughout the years by private individuals, among whom we must mention: Jean Chevalier, mons.D.H.C.Martin Luley, prof.dr.Ernst Christoph Suttner. Since 1998, the library’s collection was also enriched by the acquisitions made by the Lucian Blaga Central University Library and the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology.
The fields covered by the publications are as follows: theology, history (world history, history of the church), philosophy, psychology, social work, sociology, Romanian, French, English, Latin, Greek language and literature, art history, archaeology.
- Books: 22.000 volumes
- Periodicals: 30 titles
The entire collection is organized by the free access to the shelves system. The reading room has a capacity of 40 sears and it has 9 computers at the disposal of the students of the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology (one computer is strictly reserved for accessing the CUL databases)
The library’s own databases:
A great part of the publications received through donations can be found in a bibliographic database. The scientific activities of the university faculty from the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology, from the Cluj, Blaj and Oradea Departments
Index of the “Christian Culture” magazine (today, this database as also been processed in Aleph and it can be found in the CUL online catalogue)