M.Kogălniceanu Street no. 1, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Phone: 0771 320624
Simona Abrudan
The Library of Plant Physiology is located within the central building of the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj, on the ground floor, as part of the Department of Experimental Biology of the Faculty of Biology and Geology.
The library owns publications which thematically cover fields such as: plant physiology, plant anatomy and morphology, microbiology, plant cytology, plant chemistry, botany, ecophysiology, crop management, soil science, phytopathology, phytosociology.
Access to the library services is based on the library card, stamped annually.
The beneficiaries of the library services are mainly students, professors, researchers, as well as other categories of users that own library cards.
The Library of Plant Physiology contains 37.404 volumes, out of which 32.757 are books and 4.647 are periodicals.
Special publications:
- Constantin von Ettingshausen, Alois Pokorny (1856): Physiotypia plantarum austriacarum, Vol. 1-5, Viena.
- Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1722): Opera omnia, Vol. 1-4.
- Carl von Linné (1797-1810): Species plantarum, Vol. 1-5.
- Marcello Malpighi (1687): Opera omnia.
- The library’s own databases:
- “Books” in ProCite, contains the books from the Library of Plant Physiology