- Catalogue of Manuscripts
The catalogue is alphabetically and thematically ordered, showing the collection of manuscripts (14th – 21st centuries) – over 7000 documents.- Catalogue of Manuscripts
The alphabetical catalogue contains manuscripts written in Latin, Hungarian, German from the Medieval and Modern periods. Part of them was indexed by Kovács Mária, A kolozsvári "Lucian Blaga" Központi Egyetemi Könyvtár 19. századi magyar nyelvű kéziratainak katalógusa = Catalogul manuscriselor maghiare din secolul al 19-lea din colecțiile Bibliotecii Centrale Universitare "Lucian Blaga" (The catalogue of Hungarian manuscripts of the 19th century from the Central University Library collections); Mariana Soporan, Catalogul manuscriselor filosofice din colecţiile BCU "Lucian Blaga": (sec. XVII-XX) (The catalogue of philosophical manuscripts from the “Lucian Blaga” CUL collections. 17th – 20th centuries). - The Thematic Catalogue of Manuscripts
- Catalogue of Romanian Manuscripts
The catalogue of Romanian manuscripts is an alphabetical catalogue (authors and titles in alphabetical order) of the manuscripts written in Romanian (16th-21st centuries), literary manuscripts, collections of institutions and associations, private collections. - Catalogue of Religious Manuscripts
The alphabetical catalogue (titles in alphabetical order) describes manuscripts written in Romanian and Slavic, in Cyrillic alphabet and it contains religious and dogmatic literature. The catalogue was created by Atanasie Popa. - Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Drawer
The alphabetical catalogue contains documents regarding the history of the Romanian Countries and of Transylvania between the 18th and 20th centuries. - Catalogue of Document Collections
The alphabetical catalogue mentions Medieval documents from the library collections (photocopies and original documents). - Catalogue of the manuscripts’ provenances
The alphabetical catalogue contains the donors and the means through the manuscripts in the library collections had been acquired.
- Catalogue of Manuscripts
- Catalogue of Incunabula
- Correspondence Catalogue
The catalogue contains three sections. In two sections, the addressers and recipients are alphabetically ordered, and, in the third section, the documents are chronologically ordered. The letters reveal the literary and political life in the 19th and 20th centuries. - Catalogue of Rare Books
- Catalogue of Typographers, Typographies and Typographical Centres
- Catalogue of Old Books
- Catalogue of Old Romanian Books
The catalogue lists the publications printed between the 16th and 19th centuries in the Romanian Countries and in Transylvania, written in Slavic and Romanian. The collection was indexed by Mosora Elena, Hanga Doina, Catalogul cărții vechi românești (Catalogue of old Romanian books). - Catalogue of Old Hungarian Books
The catalogue lists Hungarian publications printed in Hungary and Transylvania by Hungarian craftsmen and in other European typographical centres between the 15th century and 1711. See the bibliography written by Szabó Károly, Régi magyar könyvtár și Régi nyomtatványok tára. - Chronological Catalogue of Old Books
- Catalogue of Old Romanian Books
- Catalogue of Art Books
- Catalogue of Maps and Atlases
The catalogue alphabetically indexes one of the largest collections of maps and atlases in the Romanian public libraries. The collection contains administrative, political, economic and urbanistic maps starting with the 16th century. - Catalogue of Engravings
The alphabetical and thematic catalogue shows one of the largest collections of engravings regarding the Romanian Countries present in the Romanian public libraries. - Catalogue of Postcards
The catalogue indexes postcards, the cities in Romania and Europe are ordered alphabetically. The collection contains postcards starting from the end of the 19th century. - Catalogue of Photographs
The photographs are listed alphabetically and thematically and they show the academic life in Cluj. They illustrate the photographic art of the 19th and 20th centuries in Romania and in other European photographic centres. - Ex Libris Catalogue
- Catalogue of Musical Notes
The alphabetical and thematic catalogue includes the Crețu collection, the general collection and the legal deposit. - Open Shelf Catalogue