Access for Loans and Returns is only made between 9-12, at the Loan Section, located in the courtyard by the street, to the right of the gate, down the stairs.
The other sections of the library can only be contacted remotely by:
- e-mail: bcu.litere@ubbcluj.ro
- FB: Romanian-Hungarian Library
- Phone.
For securities requested from funds other than the loan, a reservation is made the day before, so that they can also be prepared and picked up from the Loan Section counter.
Access Regulation - Loan Library:
In order to be able to securely access documents from the Letter Library funds, please follow the following rules:
- do not forget the MASK– wearing it is mandatory in all enclosed public spaces
- requests are made ONLINE, from the PERSONAL device. The library computer cannot be accessed
- only one person at a time at the counter, the rest are asked to wait
- returns of publications borrowed from funds other than the Loan Section will be made at the same counter, at the Loan Section
For the latest changes, access:
Horea Street no.31, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Alina Man - Office Manager
The Romanian-Hungarian Department (reading room)
The Romanian-Hungarian Department (home loan)
The Department of Romance and Classical Languages
The Department of Germanic, Slavic and Oriental Languages
Catalogue of Slavic Books (in accordance with the order of the Cyrillic alphabet of the Russian language)
The Library of the Faculty of Letters was founded in 1949 by merging 8 libraries that had been part of the faculty departments and seminars. The majority of the publications (out of a total of 37950 volumes) represented donations made by professors Gh. Bogdan - Duica, N. Drăgan, Ion Breazu, Sextil Puşcariu, St. Bezdechi, N. Bogrea.
In 1954, the Library of the Faculty of Letters merged with the libraries of the Faculty of History and of the Faculty of Pedagogy.
In 1959, when the Babeş University merged with the Bolyai University, the library was greatly impacted. The philological collections were divided from the adjoined departments in 1954 (history and pedagogy) and they were moved to the building on Horea Street no. 31, where they can still be found today. The 7 departments are spread across 4 floors:
- Ground floor: home loan for Romanian and Hungarian; The Spanish Department and the Department of Romance Philology
- First floor: The Romanian-Hungarian Departments (reading room)
- Second floor: The French, Italian, Classical Philology (Greek and Latin) Departments; The Reference Room
- Third floor: The Departments of Germanic, Slavic, Chinese and Japanese Languages; The Periodicals Room
After 1990, a new stage began which proved to be beneficial in the evolution of the faculty library. The number of readers and the number of volumes increased as a result of the establishment of a new department. The collection of publications was enriched though exchange and though numerous donations from across Romania and from abroad.
- Books: 331.993 volumes
- Periodicals: 26432 volumes